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Becoming a True Champion Chat

Monday, October 26, 2009

Steve Weatherford From the New York Jets Endorses “Becoming a True Champion”

I was happy to receive an enthusiastic endorsement from Steve Weatherford, current punter for the New York Jets. Here is what Steve had to say after reading Becoming a True Champion:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Inspiring Athletes From Within: A personal attempt to make a difference

It is in my continuing efforts to publish Becoming a True Champion (BATC) that it dawned on me how important group and team motivational speaking presentations could be in delivering the principles of athletic success I so desperately want to encourage in athletes.

You see, in addition to BATC, I have gathered and/or written a fair amount of inspirational material for my blog (The Athlete's Sports Experience: Making a Difference), that I felt could truly help athletes achieve higher levels of excellence in sports; maybe even inspire them to reach beyond the “normal” limitations that traditionally hold others back from accepting difficult challenges.

After much introspection, I decided on four important concepts (for my presentation) that I felt were necessary if I ever expected to be successful at reaching inside athletes to help them discover the power they have within. To truly do this, my presentation would have to:


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